The Official Community Plan (OCP) for The Resort Municipality of Whistler


HomeOCP BasicsWhistler2020

Overview of Shared Community Vision

The Whistler2020 Vision: Whistler will be the premier mountain resort community -as we move toward sustainability

A brief history

In 1993, Whistler residents started developing Whistler2002 and the resort community's journey toward sustainability began. Years later, 54 Whistler businesses and organizations, including the Resort Municipality of Whistler, have signed partnership agreements committing to work cooperatively to achieve our community's priorities and vision.

What is it?

Facilitated by the Resort Municipality of Whistler (RMOW), Whistler2020 is the community's comprehensive sustainability plan. A shared vision for the community, a process to move toward that vision and a program to report and montor progress on our journey toward continued success and, ultimately, sustainability. Created and implemented by the community, Whistler2020 frames community decision-making and re-imagines Whistler as a sustainable, low-footprint community.

Who is responsible for Whistler2020?

Whistler2020 was developed by the community, and for it to be truly effective it needs to be both supported and implemented by the community. The RMOW houses the Whistler2020 Team, but the creativity, direction and execution of the plan is a product of the ongoing dedication and commitment of Whistler2020 Partners, community task forces and the many organizationsand businesses that are making its vision a reality on a daily basis.

Whistler2020 is a sustainability plan with a target date of 2060; 2020 is a check-in date, established during the plan's development.

The Whistler2020 vision helps to inspire and guide strategic planning and actions over time. The document sets out how Whistler will achieve its' vision, through seventeen strategies and ongoing community-developed actions and descriptions of success, our highest level policy statements.

How does it work?

Whistler is working towards its descriptions of success, outlined in Whistler2020, through task force action planning and implementation, as well as integration in Resort Municipality of Whistler decision-making. Task forces convene every year to prioritize strategic actions to move Whistler towards its Whistler2020 vision.

Each task force, reviews the results of previously proposed actions to assess current trends and issues, and to propose and prioritize strategic action plans for upcoming years.

This process ensures that Whistler continues on its journey toward sustainability and that Whistler2020 is a 'living' plan, informed and updated by engaged community members.

Visit for more info. To join a task force, click here.

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Visit The RMOW website.

Link to the official website for the Resort Municipality of Whistler.

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What is Whistler 2020?

What is Whistler 2020?

Whistler2020 is our shared vision and plan for continued success to the year 2020

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