The Resort Municipality of Whistler (RMOW) wants to support and enhance business in our community and is always looking for input from the business sector. Whether you're starting a business in Whistler, or you are already a business owner, get involved with the Official Community Plan Update and have your say in Whistler's future. Email with your ideas, input and concerns.
What does the Official Community Plan (OCP) mean for business?
Over the next year, the Resort Municipality of Whistler (RMOW) will be updating its Official Community Plan (OCP), a provincially-mandated regulatory document that will shape Whistler's future, as we mature as a four season destination resort community with a sustainable tourism economy.
The OCP is a set of high-level plans and policies, such as land use designations that guide land use planning, social, economic and environmental policies, and civic infrastructure investments.
The business sector is an important player in the Official Community Plan. Whether it's participating in Après in Action, an open house, an online discussion or community survey, we invite business owners to get involved in discussions about Whistler's long-term success.
Starting a business in Whistler? Click here.
The Whistler Chamber of Commerce provides a wide range of information and tools to assist local businesses in maximizing opportunities before, during, and after the Games. Visit the Chamber's website for important up-to-date information and resources.
Link to the official website for the Resort Municipality of Whistler.
Visit The SiteWhistler2020 is our shared vision and plan for continued success to the year 2020
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